Update on work arrangements (19 July 2020) (只有英文版)

19.07.2020  22:04

In view of the continuous surge of COVID-19 cases in Hong Kong and to reduce the disease transmission risks, the University has decided to extend the special work arrangements to Sunday 26 July (inclusive) while maintaining essential services of departments/offices/units. Heads of departments/offices/units are given discretion to adopt work-from-home arrangement whenever feasible, or other flexible work arrangements, for their staff members based on operational needs.

Colleagues who work on campus are strongly advised to wear a surgical mask and observe the latest preventive measures recommended by the University’s Health, Safety and Environment Committee (please refer to the email dated 14 July issued by the Committee).

Colleagues who work from home should observe the guidelines provided by HRO and ITSC (please refer to the email issued by the Office of the President dated 4 February).

The University continues to monitor and assess the situation closely and will provide updates as and when necessary.
Office of Communications and Public Affairs